Our Service Offering

We recognise that one size does not fit all.

Risk Workshops
Risk training

Certain risk management activities arise on an ad hoc basis, some will need to be established for the first time, aspects that already exist may need reviewing and improving, and others need to be undertaken regularly at different times throughout the year.

Erasmus Risk Consulting can develop flexible packages of work that can be scheduled at different points in the year to meet your internal governance requirements or to align with regulatory expectations, our services provided include:.

  • Risk Management Workshops

    Facilitation of Risk Management Workshops in order to identify the risks faced by your organisation and the internal controls in place to mitigate these risks.

    These will become central to the creation and validation of your Risk Registers, RCSAs, for prioritisation of resources and an invaluable input into your Risk Committee Reporting, Capital Scenarios and Business Planning processes.

    Have you identified the key risks facing your business and do you know how you are mitigating them?

  • Risk Management Training

    Development and delivery of risk management training for your organisation’s key stakeholder groups. This will be based on the key principles of your organisation’s Risk Management Framework, the prevailing risk culture and risk appetite.

    Training delivery and content will be adapted for the Board, ExCo, the Risk & Compliance Function, Heads of department, all staff and new joiners.

    What is the level of risk awareness in your organisation? Does everyone understand their risk management responsibilities?

  • Risk Reviews

    Reviews of your existing Risk Framework, Policies, Risk Appetite Statements, Governance Arrangements , Risk Maturity Assessments and Risk Management Processes to determine suitability and identify areas for development.

    Additionally, when operational incidents occur, independent reviews can be undertaken to determine the underlying causes and to identify improvements to the internal control environment.

    Are your Risk Framework and associated policies ‘fit for purpose’? When were they last reviewed?

  • ESG Risk Management

    Leverage our expertise of ESG (I am a Tutor on the ESG Risk Management Online Course run by University of Cambridge) to provide support and guidance to your organisation as you assess and develop your ESG Strategy, review your internal capabilities, align with your corporate values and consider the most effective manner to embed this within your existing ERM Framework.

    Would your organisation benefit from an independent external perspective of your ESG capabilities and how these can be enhanced in the most efficient way?

  • Emerging Risks

    Delivery of a documented Emerging Risk Approach and development of Emerging Risk Reporting for your Risk Committee and Board.

    This approach will include PESTEL Analysis, a review of your business and strategic plans, consideration of internal and external risk events and analysis of your Risk and Controls Self-Assessments so that the output reflects the emerging risks relevant to your business in the near and longer-term.

    Are you aware of the emerging risks which could derail your strategic plans?

  • Due Diligence

    Conduct Due Diligence Reviews of Third-party Service Providers and External Fund Managers (at the selection stage, as part of on-going reviews and at contract renewal). Thus ensuring you meet your fiduciary responsibilities.

    Review internal arrangements, coordinate responses and support the business ahead of Due Diligence Reviews by your clients or business partners.

    Are you comfortable that the behaviours of your partners are aligned to your values and regulatory expectations?

  • Climate Change Risk Management

    Advice and guidance on Climate Change Risks applicable to your business (both now and in the future) and how the management of these can be incorporated into your existing Risk Management Framework and ESG arrangements.

    Provide guidance on internal reporting, governance arrangements and the regulatory reporting and disclosure requirements applicable to your business..

    Do you understand the climate risks applicable to your organisation and your disclosure responsibilities?

  • Internal Control Reporting

    Reviews of the existing internal control environment, consideration of the internal control reporting options suitable for providing assurance to your stakeholders (i.e. ISAE 3000, AAF01/20 and AAF05/20, SOC 1-3).

    This can include a cost-benefit analysis of such an undertaking and the planning and coordination of report production (as required).

    Depending on the services you provide, do any of your key stakeholders require additional assurance about your internal control environment?

  • Guidance and Support

    The provision of guidance and support to the Risk function in order to develop the existing team and to instil best practice risk management.

    This can be supplemented with more detailed guidance on specific risk types (i.e. Operational Resilience, Information Security and Third-Party Risk Management).

    Are you looking to increase the capacity and capability of your Risk function without a significant increase in fixed costs?

  • Risk Resourcing

    An experienced Head of Risk available as a contract resource to support your Risk Function and the wider business.

    This will help ensure improved risk management practices, increase focus on new high priority risk management activities and enable the team to meet all existing responsibilities.

    Would you benefit from being able to delegate some urgent activities from your ever increasing ‘To Do List’ and know they are in safe hands?

Get in touch.

Erasmus Risk Consulting can support your organisation with your journey and are happy to confidentially discuss your needs for additional support, consulting services, constructive and collaborative challenge and to assist in ensuring that you can provide the necessary assurance to your stakeholders.